Digitise occupational benefits and save costs
As a neutral partner, the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution deals with almost all occupational benefits institutions. In order to simplify and professionalise the mutual exchange of data, we launched the BVG Exchange platform in 2012.
We serve over 1.5 million clients in vested benefits accounts. In 2023, pension funds transferred over 280'000 vested benefits to us. Managing this volume in paper form would be extremely time-consuming (see also BVG Exchange Transfer).
In order to digitally network occupational benefits institutions among themselves, we conceived and built the “BVG Exchange” platform from 2010 and put it into operation two years later. The number of affiliated occupational benefits institutions is constantly increasing.
The aim is to handle as many exchanges between pension funds as possible via BVG Exchange – regardless of whether the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution itself is involved or not.
As we are not in competition with other occupational benefits institutions and are not profit-oriented, we see ourselves as the optimal provider of these services. The asset management expenses alone, which we save ourselves by using BVG Exchange, make investing in the platform worthwhile.