The safety net in occupational benefits schemes. Secure and proficient.
On behalf of the federal government, we fill gaps in the second pillar system – so that everyone is covered by the occupational benefit scheme.
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Are you in control of your pension fund assets?
Have your pension fund assets kept up with all your job changes? Enquire at - simply and free of charge.

Interest rates and participation in investment returns

The Zurich Benefits Service can now be reached by telephone again all day
Quick access
Online Services
Order account statements, change personal details, receive benefits and more at any time.
Frequently asked questions
The issue of pension benefits raises many questions. You can find some answers here.
FZK Vested benefits accounts
We manage voluntarily opened and undeliverable vested benefits accounts.
Pension calculator
Get an overview of your expected contributions and benefits amounts.
BVG/LPP individuals
You can voluntarily insure your occupational benefits with us or have them managed.
BVG/LPP companies
You employ staff subject to BVG/LPP contributions and are not affiliated with any occupational benefits institution.