We assume our economic, social and ecological responsibility as a company and investor.

The Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution makes a key contribution to the stability and functionality of pension schemes in Switzerland. We act in accordance with ESG criteria on environmental, social and governance issues. These are the foundation for us as a social employer and conscientious investor. In doing so, we are fulfilling our fiduciary responsibility towards all beneficiaries.
You can find out more in the ESG report.
We operate in a challenging and sensitive regulatory environment. The statutory requirements for occupational benefits institutions are constantly increasing.
The primary objective
The foundation protects the interests of insured persons and those entitled to a pension in the context of occupational retirement, survivors’ and disability insurance. Respecting and complying with laws and legal requirements is a matter of course for us.
We implement the legal requirements with internal directives and guidelines. All of our employees are contractually obliged to comply with the provisions on integrity and loyalty and to observe data protection. We give top priority to the proper execution of business.