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As a company with staff who are subject to LOB, you have the option to join our LOB joint foundation.

Next steps

Thank you for your interest in our joint foundation. To apply to join, please send us the following documents:

  • Completely filled in «Fragebogen des Arbeitgebers»
  • Completely filled in «Anmeldung des Arbeitgebers», signed by authorized signatories of your company and the employee representatives
  • «Eintrittsmeldung», completely filled in and signed by authorized signatories of your company and each employee
  • If an employee is not fit for work a 100%: the form «Arbeitsunfähigkeitsmeldung»
  • If an employee already left the firm: the form «Austrittsmeldung»




Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG
Reinstatement Control
8050 Zurich

+41 44 468 22 21
+41 44 468 22 97
