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You are an employer and wish to affiliate with the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution for your employees’ occupational pension.

When is an employer able to affiliate with the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution?

In this video we show you the conditions under which employers may affiliate with the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution.
Subtitles can be activated by clicking on the CC icon at the bottom right of the video.

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Important information

Ihre Arbeitnehmer werden im Vorsorgeplan AN versichert, sofern sie einen BVG-pflichtigen Jahreslohn (mindestens CHF 22’680) beziehen. Der Vorsorgeplan AN umfasst alle Leistungen der obligatorischen beruflichen Vorsorge.

Online Services



Stiftung Auffangeinrichtung BVG
Berufliche Vorsorge
8050 Zürich

+41 41 799 75 75

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We will be happy to call you at the desired time to clarify your request - conveniently and free of charge.

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