24 July 2024

BVG Exchange Plus!

BVG Exchange is now more than the previous platform for exchanging affiliation data of insured persons. BVG Exchange is the generic term for the three service packages BVG Exchange Transfer, BVG Exchange Match and BVG Exchange Payment Validation.


BVG Exchange – the digital exchange platform for the standardised and free transmission of data of insured persons within the 2nd pillar – now offers the following services.

BVG Exchange Transfer: the exchange of data of individuals and entire company affiliations
The service covers the previous service, namely the exchange of affiliation data of insured persons between pension funds and vested benefits institutions when changing jobs. 
The implementation of transferring entire affiliations and claims via BVG Exchange is currently at the evaluation stage. 

Further details: BVG Exchange Transfer

BVG Exchange Match – find «departure and admission pairs»
Since the beginning of the month, it has been possible: if an insured person leaves their employer and starts a new job with another company, their pension assets are almost automatically transferred to the new pension fund – provided that the old and new pension funds are affiliated with BVG Exchange. Upon termination of the employment relationship, the old pension fund reports the withdrawal from the BVG Exchange Match and the new occupational benefits institution reports the admission. If a «departure and admission pair» results, we have a match and the retirement savings l can be transferred automatically – even without a corresponding order and without any action on the part of the insured person. 

Further details: BVG Exchange Match

BVG Exchange Payment Validation – use the database twice
This service is the perfect way to exploit synergies: AEIS has an up-to-date database of pension fund payment details. BVG Exchange Payment Validation will be able to make this database available to its affiliated members via a web service for secure transfers of vested benefits. The implementation of this latest service from BVG Exchange is currently under way and should be available from the start of 2025. 

Further details: BVG Exchange Payment Validation

Further information is available at BVG Exchange.

